What I Know About Women

I want to share what I know about women. I know a little something, being one and raising three.

Women are strong.

Women are kind.

Women can get shit done.

I know what I’ve seen:

I’ve seen a mother carrying her child, while carrying a child, while carrying the emotional weight of what it means to carry both.

I’ve seen women rally around a woman that has fallen off the mark, then present her with hands that tether her to safety, until she can stand upright and put her hands to use for others.

I’ve seen all that women as a collective conscience are capable of. We are efficient, multi-faceted thinkers, gifted with both empathy and drive.

I don’t mean: women are stronger than men, kinder, or more capable than men. I am tired of the notion that we should engage in an unwinnable battle between the sexes; unwinnable because this implies a loser and we are all people, raising little people—leading them by example on how to be strong, kind, and capable.
