You Are Worthy

It’s time we looked at self-care not as selfish, but as a preventative measure.

We regularly take our children to wellness checks at the doctor for this exact purpose: to prevent, examine, and gather information.

But somewhere along the way, our own needs get lost. The message that we shouldn’t be a priority, begins the moment we are handed our baby and given exactly one postpartum visit to make sure “we are coping well” and then sent away never to be seen again.

Luckily, we are strong. We are resilient. We are resourceful AF.

However, this requires an unrelenting amount of self-awareness and it takes time to better understand ourselves. We must let go of any voice either inside our head or out that says:

Motherhood is Martyrhood. 

It’s up to us to take control of our health.  

It’s up to us to examine our limits.

It is up to us to gather our resources.

This is your reminder that no one else has control over your self-care. So start by acknowledging yourself as a priority, because you are worthy of self-love. 
