A Mother’s Strength

Let us begin with an acknowledgement of what we’ve endured. We did something that no modern-day mother, not our grandparents or parents can ever claim to have experienced. Having no guidebook for motherhood during a global pandemic, we existed as best we could. Some times tragic, but everyday we were the magic. 

Whether we were seeking one or not, we’ve all experienced a transformation over the past 15 months. The kind that penetrates deep within our roots, and forces us to come out the other side scathed, yet stronger.

It needs to be said and it needs to be heard: a mother’s strength is undeniable.

We are here because of the grit that’s etched inside the walls of our heart, that lined the hands that gave and gave. 

We are here because of our unwavering love, which bloomed within the spaces begging to be healed. 

We are here tonight because there isn’t a force stronger than our fortitude.  

So let us join in celebration of our togetherness, as we collectively release the longest, most deeply-deserved exhale.