The Rundown


Here’s how you play along at home

Pick a team of TWO girls to start and THREE more after the first episode airs Monday, January 6th.

You will be awarded points (information below) based on the behavior of these five contestants. Keep in mind that if one or both of the ladies you picked before the first episode are eliminated, you may have less than a full team. You will have an option to add or trade for another woman later in the mid-season draft (see below).

Points Categories

You’ll be rewarded for drafting bold contestants but also for drafting contestants who go the distance. Points are divided into Phrases, Actions, Roses, and Wildcard.


  • Talking about her parents’ relationship (5 points)

  • Talking about her kid (5 points)

  • Mentioning a deceased loved one (10 points)

  • Talking about an ex-fiance or ex-husband (10 points)

  • Saying “I’m not here to make friends” (20 points)

  • Saying “I’m falling for you” to Peter or “I’m falling for him” to the camera (20 points)

  • Saying “I love you” to Peter (30 points)

  • Telling Peter that someone in the house “is not here for the right reasons” (30 points)

  • Talking to Peter about his previous relationship with Hannah (10 points)

  • Making a pilot joke (10 points)


  • Interrupting someone’s one-on-one time (5 points)

  • Bonus: using the phrase “steal Peter away” during said interruption (5 points)

  • Dancing with Peter (5 points)

  • Attending a concert with Peter (5 points)

  • Singing/playing an instrument for Peter (5 points)

  • Hitting another contestant and/or getting into a fight (10 points)

  • Hot tubbing (5 points)

  • Watching fireworks with Peter (10 points)

  • Giving Peter a gift (5 points)

  • Going on a picnic - must actually sit on the ground. Food is not necessary, booze is. (5 points)

  • Riding in a helicopter (10 points)

  • Kissing Peter on the lips (10 points)

  • Appearing visibly drunk (15 points)

  • Needing medical attention at any point (20 points)

  • Crying on camera - must actually see moisture fall (25 points)

  • Having a secret boyfriend at home (25 points)

  • Having a body part blurred out any point - only for nudity; having your mouth blurred for profanity doesn’t count (30 points)

  • Leaving the show early on her own accord (30 points)

  • Picking the girl ultimately chosen to be “The Bachelorette” for next season (40 points)

  • Coming back to the show after being eliminated to beg for another chance (50 points)


  • Getting the First Impression Rose (35 points, only available first night)

  • Being selected to go on a group date (10 points)

  • Being selected to go on a one-on-one date (20 points)

  • Getting the rose to stay another week (25 points)

  • Getting the rose on a group date (30 points)

  • Getting the rose on a two-on-one date (40 points)

  • Making it to Hometown Dates (50 points)

  • Accepting the Fantasy Suite (75 points)

  • Refusing the Fantasy Suite (-75 points)

  • Winning the Final Rose (100 points)

Wildcard Points

Each week, we’ll announce the upcoming wildcard category for the week. It will change weekly and is only awarded to one man per episode. For example, the wildcard category for the first episode will be: the first girl to reference a windmill gets 40 points.

Mid-Season Draft

When there are 10 ladies left, you’ll have the option to trade one of your players or replace an ousted player with one of the remaining contestants.

For example, if my team is down to two girls, I can draft one of the remaining ten to my team for a new total of three active players. Or, if I still have a full team of five, I can trade one of my players for a bachelorette who I think has a better chance of winning. Spicy, no?

Check back here weekly for point breakdowns and hilarious episode recaps, in case you simply cannot justify spending 2 hours of your life listening to an endless cycle of bad windmill puns (see what I did there?).