Everyday we are up on the highwire attempting to walk from one side representing morning to the other representing the sweet glory of bedtime. This is a challenging task in and of itself. But we are not alone, on the wire and so now we must juggle. We juggle our children, our spouse, our health—I don’t have to list them, it’s long. You know it’s long. While we are busy maneuvering and juggling, things start flying towards us out of nowhere. Suddenly we are dodging the stomach flu, girl scout cookie sales, and passive aggressive calls from a Great Aunt who has never met your kids and wants to remedy that this weekend.
It is our job to determine our own life’s balance. This means we recognize our own boundaries and have learned that sometimes less is more. We cannot be everything to everyone and sometimes the best answer we can give is, “no”. Absolutely no one has it all together, despite appearance. There isn’t a secret formula, and there are no easy answers. Allow yourself the missteps and accept help when you’ve run out of hands when that wire is feeling just too high. And most importantly, grant yourself the gift of grace.