Be Present
What if we made a priority to be present with whomever we were with in that moment?
A friend, partner, our children.
They have our undivided attention and we have theirs. Already our brains are a distracting place—what am I making for dinner? Why does my partner always forget to run the dishwasher? Did I start the dishwasher? That reminds me, I need to pickup more dish soap! Now add your cellphone, a roaming child and it can be impossible to finish a sentence, let alone have a deep and meaningful conversation.
Like with all things, if we put forth effort, and make a conscious decision to be in the here and now—you’d be amazed by the simplicity of this exercise.
If we aren’t future-tripping and fully present in this instant, there would be no worry, little to no anxiety, because everything we’d need for that moment, would already be right in front of us.