Overcoming Obstacles

Let’s get one thing straight: There will be obstacles that will side-track us, that is inevitable. Thankfully, we are Moms and therefore multi-tasking Ninjas. We are well-versed in the fact that someone’s nose will always needs wiping, as we stir food on the stove, while holding a child and using our socked-foot as a mop because our partner thought blowing bubbles was a fun indoor activity. We have yet to find a mom, in this season of life, that brags about all her free time and restful weekends. We will always be busy and that can no longer be an excuse for failure.

In order for us to find success over the next 8 weeks, we must plan ahead. This is easier said than done, because if we have a free moment we are using it to shower or snuggle or perhaps snuggle in the shower. But planning ahead actually creates more opportunities for success. When we meal prep we take the guesswork out of eating which means we will be reaching for a healthier option and not the donuts in the staff room because Karen is celebrating another birthday.

Use this week for trial and error to determine how you can be successful in planning ahead. Meal prep while your partner takes the kids to the park. Fill out your planner while you pretend to use the bathroom. Wake up before the baby monitor, to sip coffee in peace while you implement a plan that will make that day a success. It can be the smallest changes in our day that end up making the most difference to create lasting change.
