There is never a convenient time for tragedy. Truer still, when you are already in the middle of another one.
California is once again ablaze and not only should we be limiting our contact with others because of COVID, but we are confined to our homes because of the air quality. This would be the part where we would quit you, 2020. Enough. But as mothers, we do not have the luxury of staying down long.
There is a pattern that took shape this year and it’s not that 2020 continues to snowball towards what feels like the apocalypse.
When we think back to when school first announced it was going virtual, we thought,
No, that is too hard. That’s too much. But we rose to meet the challenge.
Summer, mostly indoors, separated from friends and family, no playgrounds, no vacations, people getting sick, worrying about getting sick, too many deaths.
No, that is too hard. That’s too much. But we rose to meet the challenge.
School is starting again. 100% virtually. We already wore too many hats, but now must somehow maintain an existence as: mothers, partners, professionals, and teachers.
The last time we were here together, in the rain and lightning, never could we have imagined that, that lightning storm would cause 560 fires throughout our beautiful state. People losing everything, displacement, the sky as angry as an ignored kettle.
No, that is too hard. That’s too much. But we rose to meet the challenge.
You are right, this is too hard. This is too much. But mothers are nothing if not resilient. So let’s rise.