A Mother's Resolve
My oldest daughter has taken up an interest in wanting to walk on the moon. While we’ve explored the path to becoming an astronaut and she recognizes the hurdles as much as an 8-year-old can grasp such things, she believes that one day she will quite literally be up among the stars. Do I think this will be her ultimate career choice, I don’t know. But do I think she has the potential to one day travel to space, absolutely.
Then I had a thought… why would we teach our children they can be anything they want to be, if we don’t believe this for ourselves?
Here is a reminder I needed to hear exactly on this day, exactly at this moment: I am actually capable of anything, because I transformed myself from a woman into a mother. And I do mean transformed. I think back 10 years ago over what I believed to be hard, compared to what my body and my mind has endured now, and that’s how I know, our potential is limitless. I can still want things for myself, what’s good for me is good for my children. A family’s road can be paved by individual achievements and a mother’s resolve.