
As women, we’ve been conditioned to never give ourselves enough credit.

Remain humble.

Stay small.

Don’t make waves.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that we more often than not, we are riddled with self-doubt.

Maya Angelou said,

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."

This is how we can begin to see our own capabilities instead of only our limitations.

On the Body Well Stage, we invite you to honor your body where it is and celebrate our journey along the way.  

I can only do 1 push-up on my knees becomes

My body is capable of doing 1 push-up on my knees!

I can only use 3lb weights during strength training becomes

My body is capable of utilizing 3lbs of additional weight to become that much stronger!

While these mantras may sound simplistic, it is a necessary part of reframing our conversation surrounding our own capabilities.

Let’s own and celebrate our accomplishments.

Take up as much space as we possibly can.

Rephrase our abilities to reveal our tidal wave of power.